

Nollie, my rescue companion/therapy dog.

He works hard along side me. Whether napping at my feet, hiking through the woods, or waiting for my command, he settles me.

Creating masterpieces is hard work! -EH

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory" -Dr. Seuss

Rummaging through my studio, I came across this sketch.

I missed Mary’s soccer game on Saturday the 8th of October because I had to work. I sat at the Hive and drew her playing. I felt so sad missing her game, I promised her I would be at Monday’s game.

Monday’s game never came...instead Mary’s entire team sat in my living room and shared tears and hugs of grief and loss for a friend and leader whom they loved.

She truly was a team Captain, a natural leader.

Finding these tokens tucked away bring with them great saddens of loss, but the memories of love I shared with her, and her love she shared with so many.

On that Monday afternoon in my living room I felt a sense of overwhelming love and pride, knowing that a great deal of those young ladies sitting in front of me will be our future leaders.

I cannot began to describe what it is like to watch them reach for their stars, especially on this difficult journey of life.

I am forever grateful Mary brought them into my life. -EH



Mission complete! "Marypuss" Bank Street Mural, Downtown Burlington.

I was one of 25 Vermont artists to be chosen to paint a large mural off of Church Street! It was empowering to see so many other Vermont artists creating. -EH

OCTOBER 9, 2020

What I have-

I have light that shines so bright.

I have unconditional love for my husband and children.

I have so many people in my life I can turn too.

I have family, I have friends.

I have loss...inside that loss I see the greatness and gifts that have been bestowed upon me.

I cannot possibly thank those who have supported me throughout my life enough.

I have gratitude for you. Thank you for walking along side of me.

#lovelikemary everyday -EH

FEBRUARY 28, 2021

Today you would be 21 years old. A milestone. A day I looked forward to sharing with you, and maybe your buddies. A college visit to take you and your friends out to a nice restaurant and drink fancy champagne. That like so many other milestones where not in the cards we were dealt. Today we will celebrate the love we have for you on your day, the day you were born. One of the very best days of my life.

I miss you every single day Mary. Happy 21 years of your love surrounding us. -EH